Thursday, March 6, 2008

Flavor Flav Mii

Favorite color: 2nd row, 4th one.

Size: As skinny as possible, and about a 1 inch and a half of default setting for the height. ( He is short than most of the women on his show! Lol…No offense short people.)

Head: Column 1 Second. Also, shading…3rd row, Bottom. (He is in his 40’s after all.)

Hair: 3rd page, 3rd row, Bottom

Eye Browns: 2nd page, 1st row, Bottom. Color: 2nd row, 2nd one. (Position and Size As large as you can get it, as far apart as you can get it, as far up as you can get it, and about a 45 degree angle.) For the horns in his helmet.

Eyes: 2nd page, 1st Row, 3rd one. Default setting.

Nose: 1st row, Bottom. Enlarge about 3 or 4 clicks.

Mouth: 2nd page, 2nd row, bottom. Enlarge about 4 or 5 clicks. Lower the mouth a click or 2.

Glasses: 2nd row, Bottom. Done

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